MIKIMOTO PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD. strives to think from the customer’s perspective and to always satisfy our customers. For this purpose, it is important above all to earn your trust, and it is also essential to properly protect and manage your personal information. Based on such belief, we have established, and have decided to implement and continuously improve the effectiveness of, a compliance program for the protection of personal information consistent with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information to ensure the appropriate use and protection of personal information we handle. We have established the privacy policy as follows and will strive to fully implement it.
Privacy Policy
MIKIMOTO PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD., recognizing the importance of protecting personal information, will handle your personal information in accordance with the privacy policy shown below to ensure your trust in our business activities.
Acquisition of Personal Information
When we collect your personal information, we will inform you of the purposes of use of such information and obtain your consent in advance. The same will apply when collecting your personal information on the website.
Purposes of Use of Personal Information
We will use the submitted personal information for purposes such as delivering products or information to customers, including information related to our services, sending an invoice, or contacting customers, as well as conducting surveys and analyses to improve products/services and research and development activities. We will obtain your consent with respect to the purposes of use of information.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We may disclose or provide your personal information to a third party only if:
- you give us prior consent to the purposes of the disclosure or provision
- the disclosure is requested by the third party under law
- the third party uses the personal information in a way that you cannot be identified
Management of Personal Information
We have a personal information manager responsible for the management of your personal information. Under their supervision, we have established an appropriate management system for your personal information and will take reasonable and appropriate measures to prevent and rectify the unauthorized access, leakage, loss, damage, and other similar incidents of your personal information.
Entrustment of Personal Information
We may entrust a third party service provider to process businesses, including dispatching notices to customers, conducting campaigns, and analyzing information including customers’ purchase records. When making such an entrustment, we will ensure the necessary and appropriate monitoring of such service providers in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Sharing of Personal Information
We may share your personal information with our related parties as follows:
Scope of shared users
Our domestic affiliates (group companies and subsidiaries), distributors of our products, and operators of stores that offer our products- Domestic affiliates
- K. MIKIMOTO & CO., LTD., Mikimoto Pearl Island Co., Ltd.
- Distributors
- OOKI SANGYO Co., Ltd., LINK Co., Ltd.
Purposes of use of information by shared parties
Shared information will be used to enable us or the shared parties to process or perform transactions and services for customers in an appropriate and smooth manner. -
Items of personal information to be shared
Shared information includes your name, date of birth, address, delivery information, telephone number, email address, gender, records of transactions and use of products and services, inquiry results, interests and preferences, comments or consultation, our customer responses, skin analysis, as well as your behavior on electronic networks including the Internet. -
Manager of shared personal information
When we conduct original acquisition of personal data, the company name, address, and representative are indicated at the end of this document. For managers responsible for any personal information initially acquired by other companies, please see personal information notices on the respective companies’ official websites.
Disclosure, Revision, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
If you request the disclosure of your personal information in our possession, we will respond to the request promptly in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations after verifying the identity of the person submitting the request, except for the following cases.
- where the disclosure involves the risk of having an adverse impact on the life, body, property, or any other rights and interests of the data subject or third parties;
- where the disclosure involves the risk of having a significant adverse impact on the proper conduct of our business; or
- where the disclosure may violate laws and regulations.
If we decide not to disclose the information or if no relevant information is found, we will notify you to that effect.
If you request the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of your personal information, or suspension of provision thereof to third parties, we will respond to the request promptly in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations after verifying the identity of the person submitting the request.
Complaints and Inquiries
Your complaints and inquiries about your personal information are handled by our Customer Center.
Compliance with Law
We will comply with all laws and regulations, government’s guidelines, and other rules related to personal information as well as continuously improve our personal information protection system.
Toshihisa Tanaka
Representative Director & CEO
1425 Kurosecho, Ise, Mie Prefecture
Established on March 28, 2005
Revised on October 3, 2014
Revised on November 25, 2021
Revised on January 23, 2023
Revised on December 5, 2024
If you request the disclosure, correction, or deletion of your personal information or have complaints or inquiries about your personal information, please contact the Customer Center shown below.
Inquiries Regarding Our Handling of Personal Information
Customer Center Phone: 0120-226-810
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (closed Sundays, public holidays, New Year’s holidays, and summer holidays)